Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Silver bells... silver bells... it's Christmas time in my city!

It's 1:30 in the morning, and I ought to be sleeping. But I can't!
I don’t want to go to sleep yet. Tonight, I have an incredible peace. I suddenly have this vivid clarity, that right now there is NO where else I’d rather be, and nothing else I’d rather be doing. I am SO grateful that God has put me where I am, with the family/job/friends/school/city I have and belong to. After all,
Now is not forever.

This is the title of B. Reith's latest CD. I heard him at the FANTASTIC TobyMac concert I went to earlier this month, and now I want to chant this mantra to myself over and over and over until I really believe it. I won’t struggle with wild hormones forever, I won’t be single forever, I won’t be living at home forever, I won’t be in school forever, I won’t be a naïve teenager forever, I won’t be shy and insecure forever.

‘Cuz now is not forever.

Here is a picture from our church's Christmas program... my mom is second from the right. It was GREAT! Dancers and a school drum line and a wild heavy metal-esque version of O Come, O Come Emmanuel. I can't wait for next year!
When I took my sister out to check up on her horse and take care of stable duties, we spotted sundogs and I had her take a couple of pictures. They were NOT this vivid, though - just two little rainbow spots in the sky! She later upped the contrast and fixed them up and I think they are AMAZING! So this is what a sundog really looks like, huh? I am impressed, God!
Here's our silly puppy, Bobbie. We keep her bed under the cabinet, otherwise she will chew it up, but she loves to crawl underneath and just lay there and watch us. Every so often she'll wriggle around and change position to get more comfortable. It's so cute!

Lastly, I've been making Christmas cookies! Well... not really Christmas cookies, just cookies to eat at Christmastime. Snickerdoodles, jello cookies, applesauce cookies, and peppermint 'puffs'. They ended up being peppermint flats, but they are SO GOOD! I made them last night and I think I've eaten six already!

Yesterday I watched the Star of Bethlehem for the second time. It is AMAZING. I LOVE learning about Jewish tradition and how it affected the authors of the New Testament and the way we should understand the Bible today.
The website for this movie is I highly recommend it!
Well, I should probably get to bed. I might finish another episode of Glee first, though. I've just started watching this show and I LOVE it. It does have some - okay, a lot of things I don't like, but it is more about the singing and less about the sex and catfighting and drama - that gives it an A plus in my book! Not mentioning any names, but my sister is currently obsessed with a certain teen drama (rhymes with 'gossip girl') and I HATE it. I'm so annoyed with Leighton Meester for going from Hangman's Curse to this crap! Her character is nasty!
Otherwise... tonight I am thankful for yummy cookies, a warm house, a God who sticks with me, a Savior who died for me, the internet, and mostofall for CHRISTMAS BREAK! I know I will be appreciating getting to sleep in tomorrow! Good night!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's been on my mind...

I've been so busy with school, I really haven't had the time or desire to even log on here, much less update regularly. I am pledging now, however, to blog every Sunday! It's supposed to be a day of rest, so I ought to have time to write a few lines, right?

Life isn't any easier since I last posted. School was fun for the first month, overwhelming for the second, and now I've settled into a nice groove. I can hardly believe my first final is in eight days!

I'm working on a speech about abortion, and lately I've been reading some things about it online that make me smile, or break my heart.

Here is a 72-year-old minister who has started a late-term abortion clinic in Texas. Quote: "Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that." He also says the 'hardest ones' are the NINE and TEN year old girls. This makes me so angry! Who gets a nine-year-old pregnant, and who takes her to get an abortion? What grandfather-aged man starts a business of killing babies? How on EARTH is this okay?

And here's a quote by Regis Nicoll, from this link:

"I dream of a day...
When abortion is not rare, but non-existent.
When “family planning” clinics go the way of drive-in theaters;
and their practitioners, the way of keypunch operators.
When every child is welcomed into this world, regardless
of her condition or her parents’ preparedness.
When a large family is praised and encouraged, rather than
frowned upon because of its environmental footprint.
When every child has a family with a mother and father to love her,
care for her, and nurture her into healthy, mature adulthood.
That is my dream."

I am so glad I found this site. These pictures of aborted babies are amazing and horrific at the same.

Here's an encouraging story about a girl rescued from prostitution who had nowhere else to go:

A girl close to my age has died in Arizona. She was purposely run over by her Iraqi father, who felt she was becoming 'too westernized'. Sick.

One more Regis Nicoll quote:
"While it is true that our nation enjoys a rich diversity of faith
expressions, that diversity is not the product of religiously pluralistic values
but, rather, of Christian notions about individual freedoms, including,
foremost, the freedom of religion. There is a reason why culturally Christian
nations consistently lead the world in religious liberty, while Muslim, Hindu,
and secular nations lead the world in religious persecution."

Lastly, here's a fascinating story about a Muslim-turned-Christian girl who is afraid for her life. And she's from right here in America! I am definitely keeping her in my prayers.

This cartoon made me laugh.
"God does not play dice with the universe: He plays an ineffable game of His own
devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other
players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of
poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer
who won’t tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time
." – Terry Pratchett
& Neil Gaiman, Good Omens
I like this quote! Do you ever get the feeling that when we're freaking out, God is grinning from ear to ear (metaphorically, I suppose) because everything is really going to be okay and he's just waiting for us to catch on to the secret to 'inner peace' and cast our cares on him?

So... that's what's been on my mind.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy August!

I can't believe it's already August! This summer has been pretty cold, and it's disappointing to think that school starts in just a little over three weeks.

It's been a hard summer. My parents have separated temporarily, and I've been fine with it. Yesterday, though, I realized that it IS a big strain on me (the bizarre crying fits were my big clue). Since I'm the oldest, I'm the one they both confide in, and I feel stuck in the middle. I'm so sick of this, I actually want to leave home. I suppose it'll get better. Mom has been out of town for a few days and so things are particularly stressful.

I think it's probably the hardest period of my dad's life, since he's still unemployed. And I have no idea what to do, except pray. I feel helpless. :-(

Not everything has been bad, though. My family has fallen head over heels for this little girl.
Bobbie is a Brittany Spaniel, and we absolutely love her.

My room has been laid bare for the last few months, the paint has been sitting in the hallway since April - and we FINALLY finished the painting! I'm excited to move stuff in.

Tomorrow VBS starts. My sisters and I are teaching the 2nd grade. It's a program put on by Go Fish, and they will be coming up and doing a free concert the last night! I'm SO EXCITED!

I love Go Fish. Even if all they do are kiddie songs - I still get a kick out of it. :-)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer is here!

Here's something that made me smile on this beautiful morning:

Now it's almost noon, and I've wasted the entire morning. Well, I wouldn't say wasted entirely... just pretty close. Time to get to work.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Were the whole realm of nature mine…

It’s Sunday morning, the very last Sunday before I leave school for good. I’d be in church right now, but my roommate seems to be unconscious.

It’s been an amazing year, it really has. Even though I had a really hard time with some people, I’m glad everything that happened, happened. I’m going to miss it, I think… but I’m so glad to go home!

Last weekend I went to see the Minnesota Symphony with a few friends… it was a great night! I was bored after the first song, but I had fun dressing up and taking pictures.


I thought my Historical Books this semester was pretty boring, for the most part. But now that I’ve gotten a better look at the Old Testament… I NEVER thought that it would be so interesting!

The New Testament, certainly. Paul is an awesome writer. But the Old is full of boring stories I’ve heard a million times.

The latter is still partly true… I am tired of studying Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, etc. Now I realize, though, that I don’t know ANYTHING about the minor prophet books – AND, more importantly, they are actually really interesting! :-)

So right now I’m really trying to get a good grasp on the story of the OT. I had to do a study last week on the kings that ruled over the Northern and Southern kingdoms of Israel after Solomon’s reign, and it really peaked my curiosity! I want to find out more about it.

Time to stop talking and start reading… buh-bye!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My God is an AWESOME God... He reigns from heaven above...

I feel so blessed right now!
I had a great time with my friends. Those awesome girls treated me to dinner! Then we rented a couple of movies and painted our nails and stayed up too late. Just like the good old days. ;-)
I had catfish for the first time... I was a little leery, but then I tried it.. and inhaled the rest :-D

Yesterday I played chauffeur and took my sister to her biology class. I got to dissect a fish! I was feeling a little nauseous by the time we finished... but it was very enlightening.
Then I went to the chiro and got my neck cracked - HAPPY DAY. I was disappointed, though, because I thought I wouldn't perpetually feel like I needed to crack it anymore - but I still do. I guess it's a bad habit now.

Today I organized the laundry room... then took my sisters out to see friends' new kitties and puppy. We need some babies around here again!
Then I visited their youth group... I like it.

This morning, I read that verse following Paul's statement about being the foremost, aka most pathetic, of all sinners - 1 Timothy 1:15. Anyway, I read 1:16. It's good.
"But I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience..."
I love my Jesus. I love that He uses my pathetic, oft-wasted day-to-day life to demonstrate His perfection and goodness and awesome love!

And now I'm going to bed at ELEVEN O'CLOCK and I'm SO EXCITED!!!

So good night!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Thank you, Jesus, for yummy food. And coffee.

I have been looking for an online Bible website that doesn’t look so.. outdated.. ?.. and I’ve finally found one! The YouVersion Bible site is AWESOME! It is also my new home page… maybe now I can keep my Facebook addiction in check. Here is a little picture:


Guess what fabulous lunch I’m having today!

3 eggs

minus yucky white baby things

plus broccoli and mozzarella cheese

and salt for flavor

and a drizzle of ranch

equals DELICIOUS! I’m all done now, but my mouth is watering just talking about it. I can’t get enough of frittatas!

Add in coffee, and I am in palatable heaven. Mmm.
But enough about food. We spent Easter at my grandma’s. My sister bought a horse on Saturday (We may name it Chica, Cheeky for short. Which isn’t shorter at all.). And today my bestest friend is coming over for a slumber party! So now I have to clean the disaster that is my bedroom… and pull out my Bible. I’ve been really bad about that the last few days. *bummed face*
Thank goodness for Psalm 52:7, eh?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

HUZZAH, spring break has arrived!

Ooh! I tried Windows Live Writer once and I didn’t like it very much. Now I’m trying it again, and I think it is much improved! :-) All the same, it's still making my post a little funny...

Well… let’s see. I’m trying to get a lot accomplished when I'm at home. While, of course, staying up as late as long as I can stay awake and sleeping as late as I am able - My dad considers it his duty to destroy any notions we have of sleeping in and is always banging on the door before 9:00am. Horrors!

I hid slept in my sister’s room last night, on the floor behind her bed. He found me anyway.

Today I cleaned the fishbowl, started the laundry, made a couple of phone calls, and hit the thrift stores with my sisters. I found a futon I’d really like for $100… so maybe I can work out a deal with my parents and get it before I have to return to school.

I wish I had something interesting to write about, but I don’t. I think my writing mechanism is turned off.

Tonight I watched Princess Diaries 2 (love Chris Pine!). I wanted to start on the season of Monk that we found at the library, but it’s just getting too late. *Yawn*

(My room is still buggy and rather arctic in temperature. No thank you.)

In closing, here are some pictures from a “Spy Banquet” the boys threw for us at school (I’m the one with red shoes - the 1st is a couple of girls and I being silly, the 2nd is my roomie and I, and the 3rd is our junior class), and a favorite quote from Romans 1:16. G’nite!

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“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it the power of God for
to everyone who believes…” – the Apostle Paul

Sunday, March 29, 2009

You'll always be my only One... You're the only God I'll ever love!

Me again! It's been a lazy weekend, so I have time to post again. Posting is being kind of weird, plus I was trying to be cool, so everything is sort of different sizes and fonts...

All the reasons I'm having an AWESOME day:

Summer is in sight.

I leave for spring break in 5 days (or 4, if things work out!).

I am finishing the last of my big assignments for the semester.

Pride and Prejudice is a great movie.

I slept until noon today.

Popcorn and jello make delicious snacks. Or meals, whichever.

The yearbook is coming along nicely.

iTunes is cool.

God is good!

Recommendations I give today:

Listen to Beautiful King by Phil Danyew

Watch a good movie. Like Pride and Prejudice.

Read... I think it's called the Peace of God by Rosenius... someone. It's heavy, but really good!

Call your mother.

Take a nap!

I just read a really interesting article - I don't think I'm a supporter of prisoner isolation anymore. It's scary to read about!

Well, I've been putting it off long enough... now it's really time to finish my paper. Ta-ta!
Here's the weather I'm enjoying - the grass isn't exactly green yet, but the sun is shining and it feels GOOD!
my family is suffering bitter winds and falling snow. HA! Do I really want to go home this weekend...?

Beautiful King, has anybody seen your glory unfold?
You walk up to me with sparks in Your eyes,
You brighten my world
And You'll always be my only One.
You're the only God I'll ever love because...
Every word that you say wields the beauty of angels.
Every smile is arrayed with a joy like wedding bells.
It's my heart you hold, of your mystery I sing.
I will stand and behold my Beautiful King
Love of my soul, with power untold, who is like you?
Lamb that was slain, my God, You reign in victory and truth.
And I'll follow You all my days.
And I'll give to You every single thing.
I hand everything over...
And time flies by. We're not standing alone.
Every word that You say, Father, let it be known.
I fall so fast without You by my side.
Let Your beauty be seen, let Your glory unfold

Saturday, March 21, 2009

So I'll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned...

I thought I would post quick, so my blog doesn't look like it DIED! I have been SO busy since I last posted! The last weekend has been campus days, so I'm short on sleep and have been having a great time meeting new people and taking pictures for yearbook!

It's still exhausting trying to deal with my roommate... but I've come to understand her better, so it's easier than it was before. Also, I had a major attitude adjustment last week, and that helped a lot. (Prayer is good. So is reading one's Bible!)

We sang the most amazing song in chapel yesterday - Before the Throne of God. It was BEAUTIFUL! And today we sang The Stand... I think that is definitely the current most powerful worship song existing, especially for people like myself! :-D
Anyway, I wanted to share the lyrics of both these songs, and then I'm going to sleep!

Before the throne of God above,
I have a strong, a perfect plea:
A great High Priest, whose name is Love,
Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on his hands,
My name is written on his heart;
I know that while in heaven he stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
No tongue can bid me thence depart.
When Satan tempts me to despair,
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look, and see him there
Who made an end of all my sin.
Because a sinless Savior died,
My sinful soul is counted free;
For God, the Just, is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Praise the One, Risen Son of God!
Behold him there, the risen Lamb
My perfect, spotless righteousness,
The great unchangeable I am,
The King of glory and of grace!
One in himself, I cannot die
My soul is purchased by his blood
My life is hid with Christ on high,
With Christ, my Savior and my God
With Christ, my Savior and my God

You stood before creation
Eternity within Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
Carried the Cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand
So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I'll walk upon salvation
Your Spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand
So what can I say
What can I do
But offer this heart O God
Completely to You
So I’ll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
So I’ll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours...

Friday, February 13, 2009

"This ain't no ordinary, this extraordinary love!"

I've returned to the land of winter. Who knew there was such a huge difference between Minnesota and NoDak? I wore flipflops all the way home, and then Dad coaxed me into putting my winter boots on. I wasn't happy, but as soon as I got outside, I was glad for them.

Right now, I'm watching a video of my second-youngest sister at about... seven months. Not a lot of dialogue, but it's sure cute :-) Good golly, I had a shrill laugh at two... even as aforementioned sister ripped chunks of my hair out. How odd.

I'm home until MONDAY! This is going to be a much-needed break. It felt like we were in the car forever today, and any moment I'm going to get a phone call, letting me know it's time to drive another hour to pick up a friend and bring her back here to town, where her parents will (hopefully) meet her.

The first week of spring semester was fantastic. Everything was going fabulous... and then I just had a two-week-long attack of PMS/TMBFF syndrome (too much BFF). The last two weeks have been rather hellish, and I seriously missed having my own room. Today went surprisingly well, however - I have high hopes for next week!

I have to say, I would not survive without my mother. I would flip my lid. I wish all teenage girls had such a wonderful mother as I.

I made lots of valentines today... I cut hearts out of pink cardstock and slapped on a sticker, a reference, a to-and-from, and of course the standard holiday greeting. I hope they are appreciated. :-)

Anyway, happy early V-day from this absurdly dressed child and myself!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Time... where did you go?

36 hours ago, I dyed my hair blond. Or rather, tried to. Then I tried again.

12 hours ago, I dyed it again.

4 hours ago, I dyed it a fourth time - this time, peanut butter chocolate mahogany, to conceal the yellow disaster. I have given up on being blond for the time being.

30 minutes from now, I will (hopefully) be sleeping.

10 hours from now, I will running around like a crazy girl finishing up packing. (I cannot forget my rice milk)

12 hours from now, I will be in church. (I definitely need it)

14 hours from now, I will be eating spaghetti at a school fundraiser. (Yay!)

16 hours from now, I will be on the road. (Watching HOUSE!)

19 hours from now, I will be be back at school! (cheers quietly)

Here's a picture my sister cute-ified of Lilo and I... :-)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We need JESUS!

This is an interesting post...

My sister is an AMAZING artist, if I do say so myself!

Fixing up Zelda... my first experience with a whole chicken (whole anything, for that matter)!

Trying to look picturesque...

A comic that I really liked...

Ten things I am thankful for tonight:
-I can download cool stuff off the internet
-A proposal I thought was far off in the distance... may be closer than I thought! (not for me, of course)
-I go back to school in just FOUR days!
-I'm not the least bit sick, and my allergies are really mild right now! (for the next four days, anyway)
-I'm almost done with my loong to-do list before I leave
-When aforementioned sister and I get in screaming fights, it doesn't take long before we are buddies again :-)
-God has plans for me to have hope and a future! The Most High has a purpose for ME, little old me!
-I have the nicest parents EVER! (to me, at least!)
-I finally got a song I've wanted for years... We Need Jesus by Petra!
-Tomorrow is another BEAUTIFUL DAY! Every day it gets lighter, earlier! Summer is in the future! WAHOO!
Now that put me in a FABULOUS mood!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I like coffee.

I found the PERFECT place for doing my devos this morning! Mom is always pushing the easy chair in the basement into my room when she needs space for her business, and I just leave in the way until I get around to pushing it back. But today I made room for it in the corner (By making a mess in the middle of my room... but oh well) and got cozy with my Bible and journal!

I have a new theory that my devotions go SO much better if I have caffeine in my system - I'm awake, alive, alert and enthusiastic!
I need to learn how to make coffee.

Anyway, I was reading this morning, and was struck by something in Matthew 25.

"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and
the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'
Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'
The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Jesus didn't say, "Welcome! Good job, you went to church, took communion, got baptized, didn't drink, tithed, didn't get tattoos or other questionable art, never cheated, only told white lies and remembered your friends' birthday. Come on in!"

This passage tells me that doctrine doesn't have anywhere as much to do with salvation as I thought it did... whether or nor I take communion my whole life doesn't have much to do with where I stand in God's eyes, does it?

Hmm... I hate how when I try to write things down I totally lose my train of thought.

I get confused once I think about this too much... how does God view someone who really cares for people and has the heart of a servant, but a dirty mouth, or just-a-little-too-low tops, or a gossip problem?

I'm getting too tired to think straight... I'll ponder it some more in the morning - after my coffee. ;-)

This video is SO cute!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

An Ode to Manwell Reyes

Manwell, oh Manwell, how lovely art thou?
Gorgeouser than Channing, Wentworth, and Will - ow, ow!
Your afro is fluffy, your tattoo is so Greek
Your rapping skills are (fo sho) anything but weak.
Grits is nice, T-Bone is fair
But Group 1 Crew is, like, WAY up there!
I see from #4 that you must get around
How does a North Dakota tour sound?
If you have any brothers, Let me know - I need two.
And if another fish joins my family,
We shall call him "Manwell", after you.


I'm defintely a fan of Group 1 Crew :-)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ten things I did today:

1. Got to sleep in - hurray!
2. Got a sore throat. Laaame.
3. Missed youth group due to the lack of a working car. :-(

4. Hunted for jobs for my soon-to-be roommate and I... NOT fun!
5. Watched the first in the Chronicles of Riddick trilogy. Ick. It wasn't a terrible movie (I mean, it had Vin Diesel) but I REALLY don't care for movies with a lot of people-eating creatures.
6. Didn't get a stitch of work done on my quilt

7. FINALLY got all my pictures from December/January uploaded to Facebook... yay!
8. Explained to 'my' Azusa admissions counselor that I am NOT attending next year. I'm glad that's cleared up, so I'm not getting email and phone call reminders for the next three years...
9. Forgot to do the laundry like Mom asked... oops!
10. Not actually something I did today... we went to a UND basketball game last night. The guys won 84-78! It was a lot of fun - and we got to sit in the second row. It might be the only game I get to see this year, but I hope not. Maybe I can get home a few weekends this next semester!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain... Pinky and the Brain!

I am watching Season 1. I enjoy it.

Brain: "Pinky! PINKY!"
Pinky: "Narf."
Brain: "What were you doing up there, Pinky?"
Pinky: "I was having a dally of a time cleaning the chimney, Brain."
Brain: "We don't have a chimney."

Pinky: "Oh, well, there you are, then."
Brain: "No, Pinky, there YOU are. I am absolutely nowhere near that vicinity. Have you ever thought, Pinky, why it is that we haven't yet succeeded in taking over the world?"

Pinky: "Oh, I know why, Brain - gremlins. Li'l sprookily sprites that confuse our brains and mix us up, always twi'dling their li'l fingers in our ears."
Brain: "An interesting point. But I've reviewed our past efforts, Pinky, turning the situations into numbers in an effort to locate the exact problem."
Pinky: "Oh, well, that sounds very.... NARF!"
Brain: "Yes, I'm sure it does. I've plotted the numbers and the result is quite interesting."
Pinky: "Eh, cadley, that looks like me, but flat!"

Brain: "It IS you, Pinky. My calculations show that YOU are the problem."
Pinky: *gulps* "Pinky?"
Brain: "Yes. Pinky. Scientifically speaking, it's because you are a spazzy, beetle-headed doofus with the intellect of a mule hoof that I have yet to conquer the world."

Pinky: "You're not gonna get rid of me, are you, Brain? I mean you, working as a single... look what happened to Jerry Lewis after he split with Dean. All that stuff in your hair!"
Brain: "Point taken. But fear not, I have another plan. Pinky, I am going to make you smart."
Pinky: "But... I don't understand, Brain."
Brain: "Exactly."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Somehow all that matters now is You are holy...

Mmm, I am very happy right now. I just had coffee, a spinach-and-broccoli frittata and a big piece of chocolate cake for lunch! (My diet is on hold until I leave in just TEN days!)

I had a busy weekend! My sisters, eight friends and I spent Saturday evening at a waterpark and then went out for pizza. Then we came back to the house and watched Kate & Leopold (cute movie!). On Sunday we went to the church where I go to youth group (my family goes to a different church) and I got to see quite a few people I knew. Afterwards Esther and I helped Jennie do her baby gift registry. Who knew that shopping for socks and breast pumps could be FUN??

Today I'm supposed to be finishing my quilt... Mom was going to get me started like, three hours ago, but she's still busy in the office. Hmm. Well, I'm not complaining... it means I get to sit on the computer longer :-)

I'm still really frustrated at my lack of closeness with God. I've figured that the remedy is spending MORE time with Him, not less. But that's hard. :-(
Some days I find the only way I can concentrate when praying is to turn the light off and lay on the floor. That worked for a few minutes. Then I fell asleep (I'm short 2 hours, okay?) and started dreaming about the three billy goats gruff... did you know they had a queen? ;-)

Anyway, even those few minutes were really encouraging. Isn't it so much easier to pray and read the Bible fervently and just have a more Christ-centered day when you feel like God is your best friend and you just CAN'T get enough of Him and you can't WAIT for tomorrow, just because Jesus is by your side?

Why can't I feel like that all the time? I haven't kept that feeling for more than a few hours since last summer! Is there an easy prescription? I wish...
I cry out to God Most High,
to God who fulfills His purpose for me.

Now Dad says Mom is ready... I'd better get moving. Later!

Current favorite song!

I wish I was more than a man.
Have you ever felt that way?
And if I had to tell you the truth,
I’m afraid I’d have to say
That after all I’ve done and failed to do
I feel like less than I was meant to be.
And what if I could fix myself?
Maybe then I could get free.
I could try to be somebody else
Who’s much better off than me.
But I need to remember this
That its when I’m at my weakest I can clearly see
He made the lame walk, and the dumb talk
And He opened blinded eyes to see
That the sun rises on His time,
yet He know our deepest desperate need.
And the world waits, while His heart aches,
To realize the dream.
I wonder what life would be like if we let Jesus live through you and me…

What if you could see yourself
through another pair of eyes?
And what if you could hear the truth,
instead of old familiar lies?
And what if you could feel inside
The power of the Hand that made the universe
You’d realize…..

All our hearts they burn within us.
All our lives we’ve longed for more.
So let us lay our lives before
The One who gave His life for us.
What Would Life Be Like - Big Daddy Weave

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm back...

Yikes - forty-one days since my last post. And I've been drastically less busy since then!
Today two of my good friends came to town, and we hit DEB and Walmart. I wasn't planning to buy anything, but I ended up with a skirt and 2 shirts for $4.00! They have AMAZING sales going on right now!
At Walmart I got 'Knights' lip balm, from the high school near my house. Weird. And a face-waxing kit (just to clarify, I wanted it for my eyebrows). It works pretty well! I'm happy with the results, although I started yelling when I had my sister pull the wax off. OW.
Tonight I'm going to visit my old youth group, and take my sisters with me. I'm excited. :-D

On Saturday several of my closest friends are coming up! I can't WAIT! I haven't seen my friend Jennie since she found out she was pregnant - she has a bump now!

Well, I'm supposed to be peeling potatoes... time to go. I'll try to start updating every day now!