Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain... Pinky and the Brain!

I am watching Season 1. I enjoy it.

Brain: "Pinky! PINKY!"
Pinky: "Narf."
Brain: "What were you doing up there, Pinky?"
Pinky: "I was having a dally of a time cleaning the chimney, Brain."
Brain: "We don't have a chimney."

Pinky: "Oh, well, there you are, then."
Brain: "No, Pinky, there YOU are. I am absolutely nowhere near that vicinity. Have you ever thought, Pinky, why it is that we haven't yet succeeded in taking over the world?"

Pinky: "Oh, I know why, Brain - gremlins. Li'l sprookily sprites that confuse our brains and mix us up, always twi'dling their li'l fingers in our ears."
Brain: "An interesting point. But I've reviewed our past efforts, Pinky, turning the situations into numbers in an effort to locate the exact problem."
Pinky: "Oh, well, that sounds very.... NARF!"
Brain: "Yes, I'm sure it does. I've plotted the numbers and the result is quite interesting."
Pinky: "Eh, cadley, that looks like me, but flat!"

Brain: "It IS you, Pinky. My calculations show that YOU are the problem."
Pinky: *gulps* "Pinky?"
Brain: "Yes. Pinky. Scientifically speaking, it's because you are a spazzy, beetle-headed doofus with the intellect of a mule hoof that I have yet to conquer the world."

Pinky: "You're not gonna get rid of me, are you, Brain? I mean you, working as a single... look what happened to Jerry Lewis after he split with Dean. All that stuff in your hair!"
Brain: "Point taken. But fear not, I have another plan. Pinky, I am going to make you smart."
Pinky: "But... I don't understand, Brain."
Brain: "Exactly."

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