Saturday, January 24, 2009

Time... where did you go?

36 hours ago, I dyed my hair blond. Or rather, tried to. Then I tried again.

12 hours ago, I dyed it again.

4 hours ago, I dyed it a fourth time - this time, peanut butter chocolate mahogany, to conceal the yellow disaster. I have given up on being blond for the time being.

30 minutes from now, I will (hopefully) be sleeping.

10 hours from now, I will running around like a crazy girl finishing up packing. (I cannot forget my rice milk)

12 hours from now, I will be in church. (I definitely need it)

14 hours from now, I will be eating spaghetti at a school fundraiser. (Yay!)

16 hours from now, I will be on the road. (Watching HOUSE!)

19 hours from now, I will be be back at school! (cheers quietly)

Here's a picture my sister cute-ified of Lilo and I... :-)

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