Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blah. My nerves are wearing thin again...

Oh m'goodness. I've started freaking out about going away now... I got my packet a few days ago. I cried the rest of the day and woke up with HUGE eyelids!

I called Mom, anyway, and she told me if I hate it, after the first semester I can drop it. So that should be enough to keep me going.

Anyway... I've gotta get going - I need to leave to pick up my sisters from seeing the new Mummy movie in a few minutes. And I want to put my new favorite song, Give Me Your Eyes, on the new blog Abby and I are starting. It's - so you can go check it out! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, my name is Idorenyin. I was looking for a the lyrics of the song....."Give me your eyes so I can see..." and I ended up in your webpage. I think its really needed a "gentleman" and God just sent you one. I think you are a very nice person, and think you will make a very sweet friend to any sensible person. Keep that fire burning ok, and don't let that love (God's love) wax cold. I am originally from Nigeria but now in the States living in Longview, Texas. I am 31 and married, but my wife is currently in Atlanta Georgia and will be joining me soon. Just thought I drop a word to say God is thinking about you, and to prove it, He sent me to you. Have a sweet time worshipping Him. Agape!
N.B. If you ever need a friend to talk, my email is