Monday, August 4, 2008

"And the caissons go rolling along.."

HA! Not mentioning any names, but I'm watching a 40+ lady in a tight midriff shirt and short shorts stride around a stage singing about her body to screaming kids. Wearing heels so high a backup dancer has to hold her hand and support her waist whenever she tries to maneuver the stage steps.
Ughhh, I'm going to be sick.

There's also something I have never seen this in an awards show before... so far ten or fifteen teens/twenty-somethings have come on stage in uber-short strapless dresses and stand there awkwardly trying to tug them up where they belong! LOL! Silly girls.

I'm thinking about joining the Air Force next summer. I'm having very mixed emotions about this!
-I will die during boot camp. However, the only reason this idea is occurring to me is because my physical shape has so vastly improved - before I never thought it was possible! I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 13 pounds - I'm down to what I weighed at 15!
-In college, I realllllly want to get married and have a baby right away. Deployment would just not work well with that. Actually, do you get out of it if you're pregnant? Cuz I could go for that! ;-p
-I don't do so well being yelled! In fact, I can think of three army retirees I know of right off the back - I don't get along well with any of them. Too harsh! But maybe it would be good for me. Scratch that - it WOULD be!

That's... about it.

Good things:
Can you tell I'd be excited for that?
-I would like knowing I was totally prepared to defend my country, although I hope I never have to.
-This is pure pride... I want people to be way impressed by the fact that I'm in the army.
One more benefit... I would be in KILLER shape! I've been talking to a friend who's been in the army for two years, and she said that the requirements they give you in order to get tuition assistance are like having a part-time job - fitness training a few times a week and stuff. So having a 'job', where your 'workload' is to stay in shape, means free tuition!
That isn't bad any way you look at it. And I think once I actually get to fitness level they require, it shouldn't be TOO hard to keep at it.

So I'm likin' this idea. I'm going to pray about it all winter and talk to my parents about it, and then maybe give a recruiter a call next spring...

Ooh. One random question. My grandpa was in WWII, and his favorite song was "When the Caissons Go Rolling Along". I went on the army website, and their 'theme song' is just like this song, with all the same words, but they changed 'Caissons' and 'rolling' to "Army" and 'marching'. Or something like that. Is that just because nobody knows what caissons are (including me), or what?


Andrew Clarke said...

I hope you find a gentleman who values you properly. I hate seeing women mistreated as well. If you feel like reading my blog, it is I find some of your thoughts interesting, see if you agree with any of mine if you want. Best wishes anyway.

Andrew Clarke said...

I forgot to add: I can remember being under 25, some years ago now. Some men who want to be 'gentlemen' are afraid that they will just look like wimps. It will help when some girls (without meaning you personally) are careful of guys' feelings too. Best wishes. I see you've changed the photo that goes with your profile.