Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm almost a college kid!

I'm getting really psyched about leaving for school now! Just seven weeks!
And tomorrow I get to go see it! (!!!!)
Somehow, buying my own little cereal bowls and pillows and fluffy towels helps me look forward to this more :-)

I just had my own little yoga workout in my room... I feel very... stretched. My plan is work on memorizing scripture while I'm *trying* to hold poses. Today, I was just getting the feel of all the poses... I couldn't think about anything but where my arms were supposed to be and not falling over!

We're on a dog-selling mission - 4 down, 3, I think, to go! It's really weird not having all the puppies, but it'll be nice to not get mobbed when we drive up to the farm...

Heh... heh... this is when you know you have too many dogs. And, um, it's also sideways. I don't know why.

I went into the garage earlier, and got some pictures of our last little one - Squirt. He's my favorite, and apparently now we're keeping him! I'm excited!

There were more pictures I wanted to put on, but my post is being all weird whenever I put a new one on. So forget that!

My stomach is rumbling now... time to leave my cave and maybe read outside :-D I've been working on Breaking Free by Beth Moore - it's a good book! My problem is that I go to the library and get a big stack of 'deeper' Christian nonfiction, and then I can only read a few chapters of one book at a time... so they sit on my shelf for weeks, until they're way overdue. Oops.

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Aww, they're adorable!