Wednesday, July 23, 2008

"Give me your eyes so I can see, give me your arms so I can reach..."

OOH! My first post on my new laptop!
I love this thing... I hope it stays with me for a long time.

The cousins on my dad's side were here this week! There are 3 other families with kids who aren't all out of college yet, and in each one there's somebody my age. The four of us haven't been together in at least eight years, so of course we took pictures!

Unfortunately, I look pretty dumpy. I had just changed to go swimming and taken off my jewelry and makeup - ugh!

And here is all the grandkids (who were there, anyway... 6 older grandkids and 3 great-grandkids are missing).

We spent lots of time at the dam...

I got buried up to my waist in wonderful, gooey, clayey MUD!

And then everybody came out to the farm for smores and Ghost in the Graveyard.

Pretty sunsets occur like, every night here! That's very likely the best thing about living in ND.

And then one last picture... of my little sweetie :-)

I am very sad. Today I was working on my quilt, and my cute new iron burnt out or something! Okay, I did get it for $10 at Walmart...

I also have a new song on my 'favorites' list. "Give" by Brandon Heath. He's put into words what's in my heart! I absolutely love it. God, please help me to reach out to people and help broken hearts!

I've decided to start a recipe collection. I've been going through stuff like crazy online, and I downloaded a whole bunch of programs and I'm going to try every one and see which is best!

While trying out recipes, of course. Last night I made a weeird dumpling soup. With an Asian stir-fry mix added - but without the sauce. I called it random soup, especially since the dumplings didn't really work and I ended up with not-so-good little lumps and bits.

BUT my zucchini cinnamon bread worked. Not gonna lie - it's AMAZING! I had it for supper, and breakfast, and lunch, and I'll probably have it again at supper tonight. But the next time I make it, I'm going to do apples instead! YUM!

Anyway... all this talk of food is making me ravenous. (Can you tell how well my diet is working? Well, at least my grandpa asked if I'd lost weight. It was weird.)

Speaking of my grandpa... we brought a friend along this weekend, and she spotted a sign in the yard that I'd never noticed, and burst out laughing. I did too. This pretty much sums up my grandpa:

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