Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Christmas dooooooooon't be late!"

I wrote this last night, and now I'm posting it:

I'm finally getting time to write! Tonight we have a Mission Meeting and a big meeting to plan for an upcoming banquet... I'm excited! But I have a few hours to spare, so I'm going to try and work on a couple of papers and catch up with a Certain Someone. :-)
Last night at devos, we a great guest speaker. She talked about Eve, and brought up something that has never in my life occurred to me!She pointed out that we need to know our weaknesses, and where we are most vulnerable to Satan's attacks, and make a plan of action to combat these weaknesses! (You can probably figure out where Eve messed up...)
I need to understand what my weaknesses are, and start making a stand against them. I struggle with gossiping, comparing myself, avoiding confrontation (something I worked on yesterday, which I'll tell about in a minute!), lusting, and wasting my time away dreaming about the future, particularly in regard to my future husband!
Definitely typical teenage girl struggles. Yet somehow, it has never occurred to me to specifically list ways I can avoid them.
-Shut up. When I open my mouth to start talking about someone, I need to just SHUT IT!
-TALK. At the same time, when something/someone bothers, I do everything I can to avoid talking to them about. I need to learn to talk to people about things - AND let it go, especially when it's not even something worth mentioning!
-TALK some more. I'm a big people-watcher. Instead of talking to the people around me, I'll stare at everyone going by and think of all the reasons I wish I was like them! Disgusting! I need to start paying attention to what's going on near me. I've wasted a lot of time that I could have used getting to know my classmates better!
-The next one is similiar... instead of reading a book or finding someone to hang out with, I'll curl up for a nap and instead of sleeping, try to decide what last names I like best with my first name. :-D I start daydreaming about being married and getting to have babies and end up cranky because I'm sick of NOT having those things!
Anyway... I'm going to try and find some verses to learn, and maybe I can begin to put to a halt to these things. I've improved a LOT since I was in middle school and guilty of those terrible habits almost 24/7, but I still have a long ways to go.
Yesterday I did one of the hardest things I've ever done, even though when I think about it, it wasn't THAT hard!My roommates and I met with our dorm head... we got several things talked over. I still plan on moving out, but at least I don't have to feel guilty for never talking to my roommate about her problems. I think she'd be very upset and hurt to come out of college and then have someone tell her that her personality needs major adjustments, and realize that we all kept our mouths shut.
I don't think she understood, though. Oh well. We're meeting again next week.
My mom is coming in two days! And my sisters! It's going to be a FABULOUS weekend!!!
*End post*

I am sad:
I have a fat lower lip, and I have no idea why. But it hurts!
I am wearing a poncho today, and although it's cute and soft and warm, it's SO AWKWARD! So I think it is going to the back of my closet.

My mom and sisters are coming tomorrow!
Snow is here, really here, which means CHRISTMAS is coming!
The girls' dorm is hosting a banquet in just 6 days!
I had a cheesecake cup with blueberries last night!

Yeah... that's about it!

Here's my cute little cousins and I, 12 or 13 years ago. I'm the one in the cow outfit :-)

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