Thursday, September 18, 2008

Busy busy busy!

I have a life! Wow! And the days are picking up speed... I hardly have time to breath from 6am-3pm most days - and I'm trying to work out volunteering at an after-school program 3 days a week!
I love it, though! I got the job, and it's great. I've been filing and sharpening pencils and sorting mail and doing inputting on the computer... exciting stuff! Lol, just kidding.

Some of my classes just keep getting more and more boring, and some keep getting better and better. I LOVE Youth Ministry, because it's the one that might actually help with whatever career I go into! Now I'm considering going to Northwestern or Bethel for a ministry degree... and as determined as I was to only come here one year, it looks like it might end up being 2!

I'm just not sure - I have kept coming back to social work as the career I want for about 6 years... now I'm starting to wonder again. Figuring out what God wants is hard!
At least I don't have to think about it until January.

Anyway, I got on the computer to do homework, and after an hour.... nothing done. So I'm gonna get to it!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Wow, sounds like your life is pretty hectic too!
I'm thinking about social work also.