Sunday, September 21, 2008

Being sick stinks...

I'm still sick. I don't feel as rotten as I did on Friday, but this cold majorly stinks. And my roommates are gone, so I have nothing to do!

Time for an evening of online game-playing :-D

At least there's the Bible study tonight - I'm looking forward to that.

I went to Target yesterday to get cold medicine. They wouldn't sell it to me. I had to get my roommate to buy it - they didn't want to sell it to her, either, because she's not 21, but she got disgusted and demanded to know how they expected college students to get medicine. YEAH!

RIDICULOUS. Utterly ridiculous. What is this world coming to?

Let's see... I haven't really been learning anything from the Bible lately. Does that mean I'm just getting lazy? I think my spiritual, God-is-everything-I-need self went on vacation. What's that called again? I forget. Anyway, I'm thinking I should go spend some time with God, as long as I'm all alone. There's a reason for everything, right?

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